Archive for March, 2012

Oh, Shirt!

Posted in Uncategorized on March 26, 2012 by yujeanscene

We have been hinting around for several months about our big announcement, and finally, here we are!

Yujean Shirts!

We have thought for years that, with the number of fantastic artists we license, t-shirts would be a natural for us. Customers have asked for them for years. Finally, with the introduction of really fine digital shirt printers on the market, the time was right. We had a vendor print a bunch of samples for us, we presented them (to great response, I must add!) at the ASD show yesterday, and our equipment is on the way!! We expect to be online for shipping June 1, and are taking orders now!! Click here for a link to a pdf of the designs we have to date….with many more to come!

And now, more photos from the ASD show!

After our June 1 rollout, expect 1 week shipping on your order of any Yujean shirt! With hundreds of styles to choose from (and there will be that many), that is really something!

We’re Getting Ready…

Posted in Uncategorized on March 24, 2012 by yujeanscene

Every year, three or four times, we venture out into the world, and exhibit at a trade show. Right now, Noah, Rick and Christy are in Las Vegas, getting a booth set up and ready for an awesome show!!

Thought you might be interested in coming along.

Unless, of course, you are ACTUALLY coming to the show, in which case we can’t wait to see you! Booth SL4155.

We are pretty low tech, actually, compared to some exhibitors, with their mondo-sound systems and crazy light shows. Most, though, are like us–some sort of graphic presence, and a bunch of product. Here you are seeing the very start…..and we’ll post more tomorrow!

We have a big announcement to make, and you’ll see it here, manana!